OSHA Violations

OSHA health and saftey regulations

The Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) works to provide safe working environments and enforces health and safety regulations in workplaces across the U.S. Every American employer, worker, and manufacturer is required to observe OSHA rules. When OSHA codes are ignored, the result can be dangerous—and sometimes fatal.

Workplace injuries can end a person’s career or affect the most important aspects of life, including health and financial well-being. Affected workers deserve compensation, but are often unaware that OSHA violations led to their injury. An experienced attorney will work with industry experts to determine this and more.

There are four different kinds of OSHA violations:

  • Willful violations: occur when employers knowingly ignore OSHA requirements.
  • Serious violations: involve workplace hazards that could cause serious injury or fatality.
  • Repeated violations: are cited when OSHA has previously found a workplace to commit the same violation.
  • Other-than-serious conditions are those with the potential to compromise workplace health and safety, but that does not cause likely risk of serious accidents or injuries

Most workplaces are required by law to prominently display OSHA posters and information that explain workplace safety rights and obligations to employees.

Most Common OSHA Violations

Industrial accidents make up the majority of OSHA violations. When industrial safety regulations aren’t observed, serious injuries or fatal accidents can result.

The most common OSHA workplace safety violations include:

Fall Protection

Protection against falls in the workplace must be provided in the construction industry for employees working at elevations six feet or higher. OSHA also requires fall protection for workers completing tasks above dangerous machinery, regardless of their elevation.


OSHA requirements for scaffolding emphasize safety guidelines for fall protection, structural stability, weight capacity and more.


Under OSHA rules, all ladders used in the workplace should be capable of supporting a certain weight. OSHA also enforces rules regarding safe design of ladder rungs, cleats, and steps.

Machine Guarding

Any moving machine part with potential danger to workers must be enclosed by a cover, shield, or railing. These measures are intended to protect workers from injuries such as crushed hands, amputations, burns, or blindness.

Worksite Trucks, Tractors, And Forklifts

Powered industrial machinery like fork trucks, tractors, platform lift trucks, or any other truck with an electric motor or internal combustion engine is required to meet OSHA guidelines. These workplace vehicles must have fire protection and comply with design and maintenance safety measures.

Do You Need An Attorney To Help With OSHA Violations?

Sometimes, hiring an attorney is the best thing to do once you’ve gathered your evidence and collected your thoughts. A good employment attorney understands the intricacies and challenges of employment law and employee rights and will help you hold your employer accountable and advocate for a positive outcome.

Contact Emery Reddy today for a free case analysis. Our legal team will help you determine if you have a case or need more evidence, help you learn more about your rights, and understand what your options are. With over twenty years of experience in employment law and workers’ compensation, we’ve helped win millions of dollars for our clients and change labor laws in Washington for the better.

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