Mental illness is one of the most pervasive disabilities in the workforce. But unlike physical disabilities that may be outwardly noticeable, mental afflictions often go unseen in the office and, at times, unrecognized before the eyes of the law. A fairly recent change to Washington state law PTS...
[caption id="attachment_11510" align="aligncenter" width="525"] Washington state votes on overtime pay law[/caption] A long delayed update to America's overtime pay system has finally passed in Washington D.C., and the changes could usher in far more generous overtime benefits to Washington state w...
[caption id="attachment_11507" align="aligncenter" width="525"] Clipboard with non-compete agreement and pen on wooden desk background[/caption] Washington State's recent restrictions on non-compete contracts won’t go into effect until Jan. 1, 2020, but employees potentially affected by the chang...
In a recent account shared on Lifehacker, freelance writer Rebecca Fishbein described her experience working from home for a full year. She noted several upsides to the laid-back life of couch-consulting. She doesn't have to deal with a commute, she rarely puts on real pants or shoes, and she can...
In a recent NYT article on “The Death of the Sick Day,” respondents flooded the comment section to say that it had been years—even more than a decade— since they had taken a sick day. Indeed, the author, Steven Kurutz, wrote that the sick day is “disappearing from the office vocabulary...
Have you ever felt that time off wouldn’t be worth it because the planning and preparation effort—not to mention the mountain of catch-up work—would be so overwhelming? If so, you’re not unusual. More than 50% of Americans take less than their allowed vacation time each year. Some rea...
When someone says they “don’t have enough time,” what they really mean is they don’t have time for the stuff they really want or need to do. But in the end, it's always a matter of reorganization. Nobody can create more time out of thin air. We’re all limited to a fixed 24 hours per day an...
Employers and business leaders constantly complain about the gap between what students learn in college and what they need to know in order to succeed in the workplace. This is especially concerning when we take into account the large—and always-growing—number of people who earn college de...
Most of us know that women are paid less, on average, than their male counterparts for the same work. But one out of five women doesn’t negotiate their salary when they accept a job offer. Failing to negotiate a starting salary when you take that first job after graduation results in an averag...
There are plenty of factors that can hold back our careers, from lack of skills and education to more personal things like physical appearance or a family reputation. But one factor many of us don’t consider is our personality: preferences, habits, quirks, and style. Yet it doesn’t have t...