When choosing to hire an L&I attorney, it’s important to do your research. Many law firms will claim they’re the best for you, but not every firm is created equal. Hiring the wrong attorney means potentially losing your case or being the victim of malpractice. It’s important to veri...
There’s a lot at stake when injured employees file workers’ comp claims. You may be working reduced hours or unable to work at all as medical bills pile up and your condition doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Although wage replacement, medical coverage, and other workers’ comp benefi...
Workers’ compensation insurance gives employees access to a variety of benefits if they are injured on the job or develop an occupational illness. In Washington state, about 70% of workers’ comp claims are managed by the state’s department of Labor and Industries (L&I), while the remai...
[caption id="attachment_44168" align="aligncenter" width="525"] Photo credit: iStockphoto.com/zimmytws[/caption] Generally speaking, workers’ compensation is available to any employee who is injured or acquires certain types of illnesses at the workplace, or during work-related activities, acco...